About the Project is an interactive and educational soft play centre for kids. They provide a variety of activities, games, and learning resources tailored to young audiences. All kids and parents at KIDZ#1 have access to fantastic staff members and class teachers who provide an engaging and motivating experience. You can have infinite hours, days, weeks, and months of delight with a KIDZ#1 membership and passes.

Exiliensoft was tasked with the complete design and development of the website, ensuring it is both user-friendly and visually appealing to children and their guardians.


The primary objective of the project was to create a dynamic, engaging, and educational website for children. The platform needed to be easy to navigate, visually attractive, and fully functional across different devices and browsers. Exiliensoft aimed to deliver a robust solution that met these requirements within the stipulated timeframe.

The Challenges

The new website was an instant hit with Sunrise Freight Systems and with their clients. The that was designed was put on their trucks and can be seen on the road across North America.

1. CSS Backdrop Property for Several Browsers: Ensuring consistent backdrop effects across multiple browsers proved difficult due to varying levels of support for the CSS Backdrop property.

2. Different Types of Sliders: Integrating multiple types of sliders that function seamlessly and maintain a consistent user experience was another significant challenge.

Things Needed to Cover

To overcome these challenges and achieve the desired functionality, the following areas were addressed:

  • Consistent cross-browser compatibility.
  • Smooth and visually appealing slider integrations.
  • User-friendly interface tailored to children.
  • Responsive design to accommodate various devices.
Our Approach: Technology Used

Exiliensoft employed a combination of modern web technologies to build the website:

  • Backend: Laravel, Core PHP
  • Front end: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JQuery, Core JavaScript, Font Awesome Library
Project Team

The development team comprised five skilled professionals:

  • Project Manager: Oversaw the project and ensured timely delivery.
  • Frontend Developer:Handled the implementation of the user interface.
  • Backend Developer:Focused on server-side logic and database management.
  • UI/UX Designer:Created the visual design and user experience flow.
  • Quality Assurance Engineer:Conducted testing to ensure functionality and performance.
Project Duration
The website design and development process spanned 3 to 5 months, during which the team worked diligently to overcome challenges and meet project goals.
Solutions Provided

Solution for Backdrop Property

To resolve the issue with the CSS Backdrop property not working consistently across different browsers, we implemented a custom JavaScript code. This solution ensured that the desired backdrop effects were achieved, providing a uniform user experience irrespective of the browser used.
Solution for Different Types of Sliders
For the integration of various sliders, we utilized the Slick Slider plugin. Slick Slider is known for its versatility and ease of use, which allowed us to implement multiple types of sliders seamlessly. This approach provided a consistent and smooth slider experience for users, enhancing the overall functionality of the website.
The development of by Exiliensoft resulted in a highly functional, visually appealing, and engaging website for children. The solutions provided for the technical challenges ensured a seamless user experience across different browsers and devices. The website has been well-received by its target audience, fulfilling the client’s expectations and objectives. Exiliensoft’s dedication and expertise in web development played a pivotal role in the successful delivery of the project, creating a platform that is both educational and entertaining for children.

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