Reach your potential audience digitally with our data-driven Digital Marketing Services


Digital Marketing Services

More than half the world’s population is online now, and by 2030, it’s expected to cross 75%. With newer generations increasingly invested in online interactions, new businesses have also been lining up the online marketplace. Now, you have more than 1.13 billion websites across the world of which 26 million+ are e-commerce portals.

In such a crowded marketplace, Exiliensoft’s digital marketing services help you:

  • Let Your Target Audience Find You
  • Assist Throughout the Buyer’s Journey
  • Have a Content Rich Website
  • Ensure the Right Content & Moment Engagement
  • Drive Higher Conversions
  • Be on the Right Side of Search Engines
  • Meet Your Consumers Socially
The user-oriented digital marketing process at Exiliensoft ensures that your brand remains as appealing to your online consumers as it is in the traditional market. Here are the Digital Marketing services at Exiliensoft that enable your digital brand:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Social Media Optimization (SMO)
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Content Development
Content Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Video Marketing





Google Ads






Yoast SEO

Google Search

Search Console






Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Is your website easy to scan and comprehend for search engines? Our SEO services ensure it does:
  • Keyword Profile
  • Web Analytics
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Rank Growth on Search Result

Social Media Optimization (SMO)

Are your social media profiles bringing results at par with top benchmarks? Our SMO Services offer social media management with:
  • Finetuning & Security of Profiles
  • Use Influencer Marketing
  • Social Media Posts for Conversations
  • Build Brand Authority

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

While SEO is a long-term game, SEM can drive revenue faster. Start achieving your business goals with Exiliensoft’s SEM Services to:
  • Appear on top of Google Searches
  • Increase Brand Awareness
  • Drive Traffic to Your Web Pages
  • Run Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Your consumers are paying attention to social media content, do they see your brand? Exiliensoft’s SMM campaigns can:
  • Grow Traffic to Your Website
  • Enhance Customer Experience
  • Amplify Lead Generation
  • Retarget Existing Customers

Content Development Services

Websites with blogs receive 50% more traffic than their peers without blogs. Work on this digital strategy with Exiliensoft to:
  • Drive Conversions with Blog Posts
  • Assist in SEO Optimization
  • Build Thought Leadership
  • Support E-mail Marketing
native app

Content Marketing

While you are beating your drums online, it’s important to have a few friends doing it for you. Content Marketing Services at Exiliensoft will:
  • Improve Website Recognition
  • Build Website and Page Authority
  • Solidify Your Online Presence
  • Aid in Online Reputation Management

Industries/Sectors Served


Health & Fitness

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Shopping & Ecommerce


Education & E-learning

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Banking & Finance

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Travel & Tourism


Media & Entertainment

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Food & Drink

frequently asked questions
What is digital marketing as a service?
Digital Marketing as a Service (DMaaS) is a business model where companies outsource their digital marketing needs to a third-party provider. It includes services like SEO, social media marketing, PPC advertising, and content marketing. It offers a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking efficient and outsourced digital marketing strategies.
What are the seven types of digital marketing services?
The seven types of digital marketing services include – Content Marketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing, E-mail marketing, and affiliate marketing.
What are the 5 P's of digital marketing?
The five Ps of digital marketing are – Product, Price Promotion, Place, and People. Many marketers consider the 5 Ps an old concept in the light of modern digital consumers. Instead of 5Ps they often follow 4 Cs – Customer, Cost, Convenience, and Communication.
Who needs digital marketing services?
This year 2.7 billion people are expected to shop online. At the same time, there are 1.13 billion websites. Even with only 200 million active websites, the marketplace is crowded enough for brands to lose consumer’s attention. Thus, any active online business needs digital marketing services.